You Will Be FREE From These Problems in Just 5 Days

  • Limited Range Of Motion Affecting Training

  • Pain In Your Shoulders During Training

  • Shoulder Pain Affecting Your Daily Activities

Comprehensive 3-Week BAT Program

Our New 21-Day Program includes detailed exercises for each day as well as recorded videos to help you learn every BAT exercise.

All Exercises Include Coaching Videos, 3 Exercises a Day, 10 Minutes per Day, No Equipments Required


Bring Relief Under 1 Week

Hundreds have benefited from our Body Alignment Training (BAT), Including Professional Athletes!!

BAT is an innovative corrective exercise to realign your muscles & body structure. In order to help you regain healthy & natural body functions.


Change Your Perspective on Corrective Exercise & Rehabilitation

Our E-Book & Educational Webinars will completely change your understanding of human body & how corrective exercises should work.

Clients' Feedbacks


I had an old injury in my left shoulder, and it had always bothered me during training. No physiotherapy or chiropractor had been able to resolve my shoulder issue. I didn't expect an online program could help me. But I was so surprised BAT was able to make a difference since day one. I will most definitely be continuing my BAT program.


I feel much better physically. The pain in my left hand and shoulder has decreased a lot. I feel more comfortable and fluid when I snatch and clean. Thank you for your excellent work!!


I was surprised how much difference I felt after the Body Alignment Training! My right knee felt kind of strained when I did air squats before, but my knee was moving much better after, which is the biggest difference I noticed today. After the BAT, I was not shifting side to side like I usually do. Excited to notice some changes already!


If you haven't seen any improvement after 5-day challenge, we promise a FULL REFUND