You Will Be FREE From These Problems in Just 5 Days

  • Limited Range Of Motion Affecting Training

  • Endless Knee Pain or Lower Back Pain during Squat

  • Endless Stretching Yet Limited Results

Significant Change within 1 Week

Hundreds have benefited from our Body Alignment Training (BAT), Including PROFESSIONAL ATHLETES!

BAT is an innovative corrective exercise to realign your muscles & body structure. In order to help you regain healthy & natural body functions.


Comprehensive 5-Day BAT Program

Our New 5-Day Program includes detailed exercises for each day as well as recorded videos to help you learn every BAT exercise.

3 Body Alignment exercises, 10 minutes per day, No extra equipment required; video coaching provided for each exercise.


Save You From Endless Knee or Lower Back Pain

You will be surprised by the potential risks brought by your current squat pattern and know how to correct it easily! The webinar on the last day will further reveal the secret of "pain-free training".


Self Body Alignment Assessment (NEW!)

A simple but valuable assessment that can help you prevent potential risks in training.

Clients' Feedbacks

Body Alignment Training


I was surprised how much difference I felt after the Body Alignment Training! My right knee felt kind of strained when I did air squats before, but my knee was moving much better after, which is the biggest difference I noticed today. After the BAT, I was not shifting side to side like I usually do. Excited to notice some changes already!


I had an old injury in my left shoulder, and it had always bothered me during training. No physiotherapy or chiropractor had been able to resolve my shoulder issue. I didn't expect an online program could help me. But I was so surprised BAT was able to make a difference since day one. I will most definitely be continuing my BAT program.


I feel much better physically. The pain in my left hand and shoulder has decreased a lot. I feel more comfortable and fluid when I snatch and clean. Thank you for your excellent work!!


If you haven't seen any improvement after 5-day challenge, we promise a FULL REFUND